Last Revised: July 11, 2024

The Office of Environmental Health and Radiation Safety provides this list to assist you in setting up a safe laboratory. Notify EHRS concerning new lab move-in and relocations.  If you are a new faculty member, please register with EHRS. Notify EHRS of lab relocations using the Notification of Lab Move or Closure webform. Be certain to update your Lab's BioRAFT profile with your new location using the Request Changes to BioRAFT Lab Locations (spaces) webform.  


Emergency Contact Information

Post Penn Police phone number (511 from campus phone or 215-573-3333 from other phones; 911 for labs in New Bolton Center and Morris Arboretum & Gardens) in your laboratory and become familiar with responses to lab accidents.  Review the following with new lab members:


Building Administrator

Identify your Building Administrator (BA).  The BA is responsible for coordinating building maintenance.


Building Evacuation

Identify exit locations for your floor.  Keep the areas surrounding exits free of storage.

Determine your Building Area of Refuge (BAR).  This is a predetermined location that all lab members  should go to in the event of a building evacuation.


Emergency Irrigation

Familiarize yourself with the locations of eyewash and showers within your lab and also identify locations in equipment corridors or hallways that may be needed if you evacuate your lab.  Keep the areas surrounding eyewash stations and safety showers free of storage.

Contact EHRS if you do not have access to an eyewash.

Eyewashes must be activated weekly by the users of a lab.  This ensures proper function and contaminant-free water, and more importantly, a clean and safe experience for anyone who needs to use the eyewash.  Before testing your eyewash, determine where the water from the eyewash will go.  Is there a drain nearby, or do you need a bucket to collect water?  Contact your building administrator if your eyewash is not functioning properly.  Click here for a video clip from a Penn lab that shows why flushing your eyewashes is so important.

Check the inspection tag on the safety shower to ensure that it has been tested within the past year. Contact your building administrator if the safety shower inspection is not current or if the inspection tag is missing.


Chemical Inventory

All laboratories with hazardous chemicals are required to participate in the chemical inventory program.

Instructions for getting started are available on the Chemical Inventory Program page.


Regulated Lab Waste 

Establish a chemical waste collection location in your laboratory and post it with a Satellite Accumulation Sign. The Satellite Accumulation sign is available at: Satellite Accumulation Area.  

New labs should also review Penn's Laboratory Chemical Waste Guide and the Chemical Waste Pickup & Supplies Request Form.

There are other waste streams that require appropriate disposal.  Review Penn's requirements for Biohazardous Waste and Sharps and Glass Waste before starting lab work. 


Radiation Users

Amend or establish your radioactive material license.  Doing so, will initiate contact with the Radiation Safety group so we can assist you with setting up a radioactive material license or making changes to an existing radioactive material license.


Essential Links for New Faculty