Last Revised: September 02, 2022
Certifying the Laboratory Hazard Identification Survey & Chemical Hygiene Work Plan is a two-step process that can only be completed by the principal investigator of the lab.
When the lab safety coordinator or EHRS updates the Lab Hazard survey, the principal investigator will receive an email asking them to review and approve updates to the Lab Hazard Identification Survey.
The principal investigator must follow the steps below to complete the submission:
- Follow the link in the email to the hazard summary page.
- Review the hazards list. If accurate, click “submit.” Otherwise, edit the list before clicking “submit.”
- The next page that will appear is the Laboratory Safety Assurance & Chemical Hygiene Work Plan. Scroll to the bottom of the page, type your initials in the box, and click "submit" again.

The second "submit" is required to send the updated CHWP form to all lab members. This is documentation that the principal investigator has communicated the lab hazards and relevant CHP links to the members of the group and is required for compliance with the OSHA Lab Standard.
After the principal investigator clicks the second “submit,” the Laboratory Safety Assurance & Chemical Hygiene Work Plan will be emailed to the lab members listed in the BioRAFT profile.
To confirm that the principal investigator has taken the appropriate steps, go to the main landing page of your BioRAFT profile. The “Hazards Last Certified by PI” and “Laboratory Safety Assurance Last Certified by PI” should now show matching certification dates reflective of the current month and year.