Last Revised: January 27, 2025
EHRS can be reached at the following phone numbers:
215-898-4453 (24/7)
For Radiation Issues - 215-898-7187 or 215-573-6626
Poster for Your Lab (PDF)
Call 215-573-3333 or 511 from a Penn campus phone. Provide the address of your location/building to the operator and stay with the injured person until help arrives.
In the case of exposure to chemicals, biohazards or radioactive materials:
- Immediately flush the contaminated area with water for at least 15 minutes at a safety shower or faucet and remove contaminated clothing.
- Report incident to supervisor and EHRS.
- When going for medical treatment, bring an SDS for chemical exposures and bring an escort.
- Employees must follow up with Occupational Medicine, if seen at an ER, to report Workers Compensation notification and manage follow up care.
Call 911, provide the address of your location/building to the operator and stay with the injured person until help arrives.
In the case of exposure to chemicals, biohazards or radioactive materials:
- Immediately flush the contaminated area with water for at least 15 minutes at a safety shower or faucet and remove contaminated clothing.
- Report incident to supervisor and EHRS.
- When going for medical treatment, bring an SDS for chemical exposures and bring an escort.
- Employees must follow up with Occupational Medicine, if seen at an ER, to report Workers Compensation notification and manage follow up care.
For injuries not requiring an ambulance, refer to medical treatment for locations where employees, students and visitors should report for treatment.
During a fire emergency, the University of Pennsylvania’s Division of Public Safety – Fire and Emergency Services (FES) emphasizes safe evacuation as top priority. While evacuating, shut the fume hood sash (if applicable) and close doors behind you. Notify emergency services of the fire and its location by either of the following methods:
- Pulling the nearest fire alarm manual pull station while you evacuate the building,
- If on the Philadelphia campus, calling 215-573-3333, or 511 from a campus phone.
- If at New Bolton Center or Morris Arboretum & Gardens Call 911.
If calling, state your name, the location and the extent of the fire. If applicable, state the nature of any handicap you or someone else may have or the need for an ambulance.
- Evacuate the building by following EXIT signs to fire exits. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS.
- People who have mobility impairments and/or who use wheelchairs should remain in a fire tower or in a designated area of refuge, if there is one, until help arrives.
- Remain at the Building Area of Refuge (BAR) and be ready to receive and direct emergency response personnel to the fire when they arrive.
In case of a skin exposure to chemicals, biohazards or radioactive materials, immediately flush the contaminated area with water for at least 15 minutes at a safety shower or faucet. Remove contaminated clothing. Do not use neutralizing agents. Seek medical treatment.
In case of an eye exposure to chemicals, biohazards or radioactive materials, immediately flush the eye with water for at least 15 minutes at an eyewash or faucet. Remove contact lenses while flushing the eye. Seek medical treatment.
All exposures to hydrofluoric acid (HF) must be treated as a medical emergency. Hydrofluoric acid exposures require special first aid measures immediately after exposure. (An HF-exposure kit must be available in all labs where HF is stored or handled.)
All exposures to hydrofluoric acid must be treated by a health care provider.
To contact EHRS Monday through Friday, and on weekends (24 hours a day)
If your call is not answered:
from University of Pennsylvania locations, call University Police 511 (Main campus phone) or (215) 573-3333
If you are not located on the University of Pennsylvania's campus, please follow the emergency procedures for your institution.
Lab personnel are responsible for initiating cleanup and disinfection in the event of a biohazard spill in a laboratory. If assistance is required contact EHRS at (215) 898-4453 (24 hours)
For additional information on Biological Spills see the Biological Safety Manual.
If a spill occurs immediately alert personnel in the area and do what is necessary to protect life. Confine the spill if possible.
Call for assistance if the spill is large; a threat to personnel, students or the public; involves corrosives, highly toxic, or reactive chemicals. If there is the slightest doubt how to proceed, do not hesitate to call for assistance. See top of this page if injured.
- Office of Environmental Health and Radiation Safety for spills on Main Campus, New Bolton Center or Morris Arboretum & Gardens at (215) 898-4453 (24 hours)
- University Police 511 (Main campus phone) or (215) 573-3333