Last Revised: January 20, 2022 To see the label, hover over the ? icon. A red asterisk indicates a required field. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Basic Info First Name Last Name Email Address School and Dept. PI Name Building Name Campus Address Lab Room Number General Signs/Labels Microwave Sign(s)? 3.75" x 4.75" Affix to laboratory microwaves. Ice Machine Sign(s)? 3"x4" To be placed on laboratory ice machines. Biohazard Label(s)? 2.75" x 4" Required on equipment where infectious material is used or stored. Refrigerator Label(s)? 3" x 4" Affix to laboratory refrigerators that are not rated for the storage of flammable liquids. Cold Room Notice Sticker? 3"x5" To be placed on outside of cold room doors. Hydrofluoric Acid Caution Sign(s)? 3"x4" Affix label to outside of cabinet where HF is stored. Chemically Contaminated Sharps? 3" x 4" Required on infectious waste sharps containers that have chemically contaminated contents. Room Sign Labels Designated Area Within? 1.75" x 2" Provides warning information to visitors and housekeeping personnel that carcinogens, reproductive hazards, acutely toxic chemicals are used within areas of the lab. Radioactive Materials? 1.75" x 2" Provides warning information to visitors and housekeeping personnel that radioactive materials are used within the lab. Laser Radiation? 1.75" x 2" Provides warning information to visitors and housekeeping personnel that lasers are used within the lab. Strong Magnetic Field? 1.75" x 2" Provides warning information to visitors and housekeeping personnel that a strong magnetic field exists within the lab. UV Caution Labels UV Caution Label - Biological Safety Cabinet? 2"x3" Affix to biosafety cabinets equipped with UV lamps. UV Caution Label - General? 2" x 3" Affix to shielded equipment with UV radiation hazard. Glassware Disposal Labels Glassware Disposal Labels - Boxes? 8.5" x 11" Affix to non-infectious laboratory glassware and plasticware dispsoal boxes. Hot Plate / Stirrer Labels Stir Label: Round? Round 0.625" For helping to differentiate knobs on combination heat/stir plates. Heat Label: Round? Round 0.625" For helping to differentiate knobs on combination heat/stir plates. Chemical Inventory Barcode Stickers How May Rolls of Barcodes Do You Need? (250 stickers/roll)? Labels used for tracking chemical containers in ChemTracker chemical inventory. Chemical Container Labels Non-Hazardous Labels (Medium)? 2" x 4" Containers of non-hazardous materials in laboratories (larger than 4-L) must be labeled with the words “non-hazardous” Non-Hazardous Labels (Large)? 3.25" x 8.5" Containers of non-hazardous materials in laboratories (larger than 4-L) must be labeled with the words “non-hazardous” GHS Secondary Label: Danger? 1.5" x 3" Containers of hazardous chemicals > 4-L must be labeled with the name and hazards. GHS Secondary Label: Warning? 1.5" x 3" Containers of hazardous chemicals > 4-L must be labeled with the name and hazards. Label Tape Designated Area Tape? Indicate use of carcinogens, reproductive hazards, and acutely toxic chemicals within a designated area. CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.