Last Revised: April 19, 2024

Revision 4_2024

Safety Requirements for all Undergraduate Lab Course Syllabi

All teaching laboratory syllabi are required to have safety guidelines.  The following information is required:

1. Lab Attire

  • Explicit statements must be made about appropriate and inappropriate lab attire.
  • No open-toed shoes are permitted in any labs.
  • No shorts are permitted in any labs.
  • Consider if certain tops (e.g. tank tops, exposed shoulders) should not be permitted.
  • Explicitly state the consequences for arriving at lab in inappropriate attire.

2. PPE

  • State what “typical PPE” for the lab is (e.g. disposable nitrile gloves, chemical apron, eyewear protection, etc.).
  • State when specialized PPE is required and how the information will be provided to the students (e.g. TAs will instruct students during the experiment about specialized PPE).
  • Consequences for violating PPE policy must be explicitly stated.

3. Behavior

  • No food or drink policy; include information about where food and drink are allowed (if such a space exists).
  • Explicitly state that disruptive or destructive behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Include an electronics policy if necessary.  Such a policy should include when personal electronics are allowed and not allowed, administrative controls (e.g. only wearing one glove) and how to decontaminate electronics. The same should be stated for lab-provided electronics.

4. Emergencies

Inform TA or instructor immediately of any injury or exposure. In the case of chemical contact, cut, or puncture, flush the affected area for 15 minutes with soap and water.  If splashed in eyes, use emergency eyewash.  Hold both eyes open and flush for 15 minutes.

5. Incident Reporting

  • Must be explicitly stated that a student must immediately inform a Teaching Assistant or the Lab Instructor of any emergency.

6. Waste Disposal

  • If the class routinely uses acetone (or some other hazardous material) to clean lab equipment, a universal statement about disposal should be included.
  • Specific waste disposal instructions must be included in each experimental procedure.


7. Soldering Safety (if applicable)

  • Explicit statements are made about prevention of burns and fires, including guidance on proper PPE (safety glasses, long pants and closed-toed shoes, lab coat).
  • Explicit statements are made about prevention of flux/rosin and lead/other metal exposures, including use of lead-free solder if possible and guidance on maintaining a hygienic work environment.
  • Explicit statements are made about disposal of leaded soldering waste.
  • See Occupational Fact Sheet Soldering Safety for guidance on the above.

EHRS will review the course syllabus annually.