Last Revised: May 22, 2023

Segregate and store your waste as follows:

  1. Solutions containing ethidium bromide: Small quantities of aqueous solutions containing < 10 µg/ml (10 ppm) may be flushed down the drain. Do not discard non-aqueous solutions down the drain. If you generate larger volumes of liquid waste you must store it in a leakproof, sealable polyethylene container for disposal as chemical waste. If organic solvents are used, note their names on the container. EHRS will provide five gallon containers for labs that generate large quantities of liquid waste. Do not mix solids or gels with solutions.

  2. Sharps contaminated with ethidium bromide (needles, syringes, slides, broken glass, etc.) which contain residue must be discarded into an infectious waste sharps container clearly labeled "CHEMICAL CONTAMINATED SHARPS -- DO NOT AUTOCLAVE". Discard the sharps container as infectious waste without autoclaving when it is 2/3 to 3/4 full. (Labels for sharps containers are available from EHRS.)

  3. Solids contaminated with ethidium bromide: (gloves, centrifuge tubes, towels, etc.) that are contaminated:. Store in a translucent polyethylene container for disposal as chemical waste. The generator must provide this container. Do not use glass containers for waste collection under any circumstances.

    Solids that are used with but are not contaminated with a ethidium bromide or mutagen may be discarded as trash.

  4. Gels contaminated with ethidium bromide: Waste (low concentration: < 10 µg/ml) may be wrapped in plastic wrap and discarded in the trash. If gels contain > 10 µg/ml dispose of as indicated above for solids.

    Gels containing nucleotide sequences capable of being taken up by microorganisms and expressed (e.g., bacterial plasmids, lentiviral vector plasmids, etc.) must be collected and disposed of as indicated above for solids. Amplified PCR products generally do not fall under this category.