Last Revised: February 28, 2024

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Permissible Toxin Amounts Policy

The University of Pennsylvania recognizes the critical importance of maintaining the highest standards of safety, security, and due diligence in handling and storing permissible toxin amounts, as stipulated by the Federal Select Agent Program (FSAP) in the United States. This policy aims to ensure that labs and individuals adhere to standards governing the possession, use, and storage of permissible amounts of select agents and toxins.

Compliance and Protocols:

  • Inventories: Labs and individuals are mandated to maintain up-to-date inventories of all permissible select agents and toxins in their possession. These inventories must be regularly reviewed and verified to guarantee strict compliance with permissible toxin amounts.
  • Security Measures: To comply with security requirements, select agents and toxins must be stored in designated, secure locations.
  • Permissible Amounts: The University emphasizes strict adherence to the permissible toxin amounts outlined by the FSAP. Labs must conduct regular internal audits to ensure that these amounts are never exceeded, and immediate corrective actions must be taken if any discrepancies are identified.
  • Training and Awareness: All personnel involved in handling and storing select agents and toxins must be up to date on their Lab safety training to enhance their awareness of safety protocols and emergency procedures.

Compliance Monitoring:

The University is committed to proactive compliance monitoring to identify and rectify any potential issues. Regular inspections will be conducted by Biosafety Officers to ensure that all labs and individuals are following the established protocols and guidelines.

For questions and concerns, please reach out to your biosafety team (