Last Revised: March 26, 2025

External Dosimetry - Badges

Request a Radiation Dosimeter

Personnel dosimeters are devices worn to measure external radiation doses. Federal and State regulations require the use of monitoring devices for workers who are likely to receive 10% of the regulatory dose limit. Most research lab workers and many clinical workers receive minimal exposures and monitoring is not required. Please review our Personnel Monitoring Policy.

Whole body dosimeters should be worn between the waist and shoulders, with the name plate facing away from the body, when working with RAM or when handling subjects being x-rayed. If you wear a protective lead apron, your whole body dosimeter should be worn over top of it (NOTE: fetal dosimeters are an exception, as they should be worn under your lead apron).  Ring dosimeters should be worn under gloves. When not in use, dosimeters must be stored in a low background area such as an office.

All personnel monitoring results are reviewed and maintained by EHRS. Employees who have been issued dosimeters may contact EHRS (215-898-7187) to review their individual records of doses received.

Radiation Dosimeter Results

Badged employees also have the option of contacting EHRS (215-898-4453) to review their individual record of doses received.  Additionally, dosimeter wearers can access their dose history online via Landauer's website.

Internal Dosimetry

When using radioactive material, accidental intakes may occur. This can happen as a result of a spill or loose surface contamination, or as a result of using volatile radioactive materials. Routine thyroid bioassays are required for iodinators, and urine bioassay for users of larger quantities of H-3. Although unlikely, bioassay may also be requested by EHRS in response to a spill or personnel contamination.

Use our Radiolabeling form to notify EHRS of any radiolabeling you will be performing.