Last Revised: February 06, 2025

It is the policy of the University of Pennsylvania in coordination with the Office of the Environmental Health and Radiation Safety (EHRS) to provide employees with a safe and healthful working environment. This objective is accomplished by utilizing facilities and equipment that have all feasible safeguards incorporated into their design. Emergency irrigation equipment are critical elements of first-response to exposure to chemical, biologic, and radiologic hazards. 


The primary goal of the University of Pennsylvania Shower and Eyewash Program (SEW) is to ensure the functionality of emergency irrigation equipment across campus. The program includes the following elements:

  • an inventory of emergency irrigation equipment
  • collaboration with Building Administrators and appropriate plumbing personnel
  • maintenance of records of regular functional tests of emergency irrigation equipment
  • Testing of emergency irrigation equipment on a regular basis
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What do I look for during weekly eyewash activation?


  • A sign should be presence, visible, and in good condition. 
bad quality signage
bad quality signage 
good quality signage
good quality signage 


  • The area surrounding the unit should be free from clutter.
  • If there is clutter, can it be safely moved?
  • There should be less than a 10 seconds of travel time between the hazard and the unit.
  • No more than one door should be in between the hazard and the unit.
non-moveable clutter
non-moveable clutter
>10secs travel time
>10secs travel time
no clutter and <10secs travel time
no clutter and <10secs 
​​​travel time 

State of the Unit

  • The unit should be free from broken caps, missing caps, cracks in nozzle heads, and calcified nozzles.
  • None of the unit's plumbing connection points should be leaky.
  • Units should not continue to run after deactivation.
  • The unit should be stably mounted.
  • The unit should be easy to activate and have a hands-free stay-open valve. 
broken cap
broken cap
missing caps
missing caps
crack in nozzle head
crack in nozzle head
calcified nozzle
calcified nozzle
leaky plumbing connection
 water is still running after deactivated
hand-free stay-open valve
hand-free stay-open valve

Water Pressure and Pattern

  • Water streams need to be able to adequately reach both eyes in order to flush them in an emergency without injury or obstruction.
  • When placing a gloved hand or testing gauge in the water streams, does the pressure feel too strong or too weak?
water pressure is too low
water pressure is too low
water pressure is too strong
water pressure is too strong
water pressure is appropriate
water pressure is appropriate


  • When placing a gloved hand in the water stream, does the temperature feel too hot?
  • Is there any steam coming off of the water?

State of water 

  • After an initial flushing period, there should not be discoloration or particles in the water.
  • If the water is discolored, run the unit for a full 15 minutes to ensure that it clears up.
  • If there are particles in the water, it could be hard water debris or filter decomposition.
discolored water
discolored water
filter particles in water
filter particles in water
What if my eyewash has an issue during the weekly activation?

Failed Eyewash

  • Notify building manager so that they can put in a work order ticket   
  • The plumbing team will receive this ticket, laboratories will be notified of upcoming repairs, and repairs will be initiated 
Weekly Activation Example Videos

These are examples of eyewashes that you would need to let your building administrator know about: 

These are examples of eyewashes that would pass a weekly activation


It is the responsibility of occupants and users of spaces to activate eyewashes in their space weekly. In many locations, testing logs must be completed and saved for future reference. 

EHRS is responsible for developing, implementing, and administering the University of Pennsylvania HCP.

It is the responsibility of FRES project managers to reference EHRS requirements for emergency irrigation and install approved devices.

It is the responsibility of the FRES plumbing shop to submit emergency irrigation work orders and communicate completion with EHRS. FRES plumbing shop is responsible for submitting safety shower test records to EHRS.

It is the responsibility of HUP Building Administrators to submit EHRS's emergency irrigation work orders. 

It is the responsibility of HUP Physical Plant plumbing staff to share emergency shower testing records with EHRS. 

It is the responsibility of university building administrators to submit emergency irrigation work orders resulting from building occupants findings. 

Emergency Irrigation Guidance for Existing Buildings

Models and Makes

  • Guardian - this brand produces high-quality equipment that is easily obtainable and has an eye-catching color
  • Haws - the brand produces high-quality equipment that is easily obtainable 
  • Drench hoses with eyewash attachments - this style tends to be better functioning than other models 
  • Recessed combination units - this style fits into laboratory spaces nicely

*Existing buildings may replace like with like unless EHRS determines otherwise (untempered may remain untempered, tempered must remain tempered)





Good Practice Highlights

  • Ensuring that the occupancy and users of laboratory spaces are aware of where emergency irrigation units are located and how to active them
  • Weekly testing of units
  • Clean and organized surrounding spaces
Emergency Irrigation Guidance for New Construction

Preferred Models and Makes

  • Guardian - this brand produces high-quality equipment that is easily obtainable and has an eye-catching color
  • Haws - the brand produces high-quality equipment that is easily obtainable 
  • Drench hoses with biocular eyewash attachments - this style tends to be better functioning than other models 
  • Recessed combination units - this style fits into laboratory spaces nicely

Undesirable Models and Makes

  • Water Saver Faucet Company - this brand produces less reliable equipment
  • Faucet Mounted Eyewash - the style is not permitted at the university 
  • Gravity-fed or Portable Eyewashes - these styles only appropriate in specific situations if recommended by EHRS
  • Drench hoses without eyewash attachments - this style is not appropriate for emergency irrigation

Good Practices

  • Check in with the plumbing team if unsure of best fit before installing

*New construction installations of emergency irrigation must be tempered